plastic off the sofa lyrics

  • April 19, 2023

Plastic Off the Sofa Lyrics


At a time when the environment is suffering from plastic pollution, a Dutch band named My Baby has released a song that talks about the impact of plastic on the planet. Titled “Plastic off the Sofa,” the song is a wakeup call for everyone to recognize the harm that plastic is causing to the world. This article will delve into the lyrics of this song, the inspiration behind it, and the message that the band wants to convey through it.

The Inspiration Behind the Song

My Baby is a Dutch band that was founded in 2012. The band consists of three members: Joost Sheik van Dijck (drums), Cato van Dijck (lead vocals and guitar), and Daniel Johnston (guitar and backing vocals). With their unique blend of blues-based music, they have made a name for themselves in the music industry. The band has been on multiple tours across Europe, and their fan base continues to grow.

The inspiration for “Plastic off the Sofa” came from Cato van Dijck’s travels around the world. During her travels, she saw the devastating impact of plastic on marine life and the environment. She wanted to create awareness about this problem and decided to use her music as a platform to highlight this issue. In an interview, she said, “I saw how much harm plastic is causing to the world, and I decided to write a song that would awaken people’s consciousness about this impending disaster that we are facing.”

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The Lyrics of “Plastic off the Sofa”

The lyrics of “Plastic off the Sofa” are a sublime blend of poetic imagery and hard-hitting facts. The song starts with a somber note, “Throw me in the ocean and watch me float, Plastic off the sofa and down my throat.” The opening lines of the song speak volumes about the damage that plastic is causing to marine life. It paints a grim picture of plastic waste that is choking the ocean and killing millions of marine animals.

The second verse is equally compelling, “Flame retardants, coral bleaches, When did we become death’s apprentices?” The line suggests that we have ignored the harmful effects of plastic for far too long, and now we have to face the consequences of our actions.

The chorus of the song hits you like a sledgehammer, “We gotta get the plastic off the sofa, We can’t keep living like kings of the coast, We gotta get the plastic off the sofa, Cause it’s really getting most unbearable.” The chorus is a call to action, urging everyone to take responsibility for their actions and do their part in reducing plastic waste.

The third verse of the song highlights the plight of birds that mistake plastic for food, “Birds feeding, plastics in their gut, Humans feeling, but still not enough.” The line highlights the fact that we are aware of the damage plastic is causing, but we are not doing enough to stop it.

The song ends on a hopeful note, “Plastic off the sofa, It’s time to take the lead, plastic off the sofa, Let’s plant the seed.” The lines suggest that it’s not too late to make a change, and we can still make a positive impact on the environment if we take action now.

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The Message Behind the Song

The message behind “Plastic off the Sofa” is clear and unambiguous. It urges everyone to take responsibility for their actions and do their part in reducing plastic waste. The song highlights the devastating impact of plastic on marine life, the environment, and human health. It is a wake-up call for everyone to take action and reduce their use of plastic.

The band wants people to recognize the severity of the problem and take immediate steps to tackle it. They believe that music has the power to bring about change, and they want their song to inspire people to take concrete actions to reduce their plastic usage.


1. What is the inspiration behind “Plastic off the Sofa”?

The inspiration for “Plastic off the Sofa” came from Cato van Dijck’s travels around the world. During her travels, she saw the devastating impact of plastic on marine life and the environment. She wanted to create awareness about this problem and decided to use her music as a platform to highlight this issue.

2. What is the message behind “Plastic off the Sofa”?

The message behind “Plastic off the Sofa” is clear and unambiguous. It urges everyone to take responsibility for their actions and do their part in reducing plastic waste. The song highlights the devastating impact of plastic on marine life, the environment, and human health. It is a wake-up call for everyone to take action and reduce their use of plastic.

3. What actions can we take to reduce plastic waste?

There are several actions we can take to reduce plastic waste:
– Reduce usage: We can reduce the amount of plastic we use by avoiding single-use plastic items such as straws, cutlery, and bottles.
– Recycle: We can recycle plastic items to ensure they are reused and do not end up in landfills or oceans.
– Reuse: We can reuse plastic items instead of throwing them away, for example, by using plastic containers to store food instead of plastic bags.
– Support eco-friendly products: We can support eco-friendly products that use biodegradable materials instead of plastic.

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4. Can music bring about change in society?

Yes, music has always been a powerful tool for social change. Throughout history, music has brought about change in society, from the Civil Rights Movement in the US to the Anti-Apartheid Movement in South Africa. Music has the power to inspire, unite, and bring about change, and “Plastic off the Sofa” is a perfect example of how music can be used to create awareness about an important issue.