cyberpunk red critical injuries table

  • April 19, 2023

Cyberpunk Red Critical Injuries Table: A Comprehensive Guide

When playing the tabletop role-playing game Cyberpunk Red, the possibility of your character suffering critical injuries is an ever-present danger. While it may seem intimidating at first, the critical injuries table adds a layer of realism, tension, and consequence to the game. In this article, we will take a deep dive into the Cyberpunk Red critical injuries table, exploring how it works, what the different injuries mean, and some frequently asked questions.

Understanding the Critical Injuries Table

When playing Cyberpunk Red, rolling a 10 or more on the d10 during an attack inflicts a critical injury on the target. To determine the severity and location of the injury, the attacker rolls a d6 for the body part and another d6 for the severity. There are six body parts:

1. Head/Neck
2. Chest/Abdomen
3. Left Arm
4. Right Arm
5. Left Leg
6. Right Leg

The severity chart ranges from 1 to 6, with 1 being the least severe and 6 being the most severe.

The Severity Chart

Here are the different levels of severity on the chart:

1. Grazed: The attack hits you, but it’s not that bad. You take a penalty die on all actions for one round.
2. Hurt: The blow makes it hard to focus. You take a penalty die on all actions until healed.
3. Wounded: The injury is serious, and you’re bleeding. You take a penalty die on all actions, and you lose 1d6 HP per turn until healed.
4. Serious Wound: The injury is severe, and you’re in danger of dying. You take a penalty die on all actions, and you lose 1d6 HP per turn until healed. You must spend the INT die every round to remain conscious.
5. Critical: The injury is lethal, and you’re near death. You take a penalty die on all actions, and you lose 1d6 HP per turn until healed. You must spend the INT die every round to remain conscious. If not healed in 1d6 turns, you die.
6. Fatal: The injury is instantly fatal.

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The Locations and Effects of Critical Injuries

Now that we’ve covered the severity chart, let us go over the different locations and their respective critical injury effects:


1. Grazed: Your hearing is affected, and you take a penalty die on all Listen rolls until healed.
2. Hurt: You’re momentarily stunned, and you lose your next action.
3. Wounded: You’re knocked out for 1d6 rounds.
4. Serious Wound: You suffer a severe concussion. Your reflexes are slowed, and you take a penalty die on all Reflex rolls until healed.
5. Critical: You suffer a catastrophic brain injury. You take 1d6 SAN damage, and your character is permanently damaged (GM discretion).
6. Fatal: You’re instantly killed.


1. Grazed: Your movement is slowed, and you take a penalty die on all Athletics checks until healed.
2. Hurt: You lose your next action as you catch your breath.
3. Wounded: You’re knocked down, and you take a penalty die on all actions until healed. Additionally, you must spend the INT die every round to remain conscious.
4. Serious Wound: You take a major wound to your torso. You take a penalty die on all actions until healed. Additionally, you must spend the INT die every round to remain conscious. Your character suffers a permanent wound (-1 to REF, DEX, or STR, GM discretion).
5. Critical: You suffer a catastrophic internal injury. You take 1d6 SAN damage, and your character is permanently damaged (GM discretion).
6. Fatal: You’re instantly killed.

Left Arm/Right Arm

1. Grazed: Your limb is numbed, and you take a penalty die on all actions that require your arm until healed.
2. Hurt: Your arm is dislocated, and you must spend the next turn resetting it.
3. Wounded: You suffer a severe fracture, and you take a penalty die on all actions that require your arm until healed. Additionally, you must spend the INT die every round to remain conscious.
4. Serious Wound: Your arm is shattered. You take a penalty die on all actions until healed. Additionally, you must spend the INT die every round to remain conscious. Your character suffers a permanent wound (-1 to REF, DEX, or STR, GM discretion).
5. Critical: Your arm is torn off. You suffer 1d6 SAN damage, and your character is permanently damaged (GM discretion).
6. Fatal: You’re instantly killed.

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Left Leg/Right Leg

1. Grazed: Your movement is slowed, and you take a penalty die on all Athletics checks until healed.
2. Hurt: You twist your ankle and take a penalty die on all actions that require your leg until healed.
3. Wounded: You suffer a broken leg, and you take a penalty die on all actions that require your leg until healed. Additionally, you must spend the INT die every round to remain conscious.
4. Serious Wound: You shatter your leg and fall to the ground. You take a penalty die on all actions until healed. Additionally, you must spend the INT die every round to remain conscious. Your character suffers a permanent wound (-1 to REF, DEX, or STR, GM discretion).
5. Critical: The leg is torn off. You suffer 1d6 SAN damage, and your character is permanently damaged (GM discretion).
6. Fatal: You’re instantly killed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Now that you have a better understanding of the Cyberpunk Red critical injuries table let us explore some frequently asked questions.

Are there any modifiers that can affect the critical injuries table?

Yes, several modifiers can affect the table. For example, if the target is wearing armor, the severity chart becomes:

1. Grazed: No effect
2. Hurt: Grazed
3. Wounded: Hurt
4. Serious Wound: Wounded
5. Critical: Serious Wound
6. Fatal: Critical

Additionally, if the attack is a headshot, the severity is automatically increased by one level.

Can characters with Cyberware resist the effects of the critical injuries table?

Yes, characters with Cyberware mods can resist the effects of critical injuries to some extent. For example, a character with a Subdermal Armor mod gains a +4 bonus to resist critical injuries on the Chest/Abdomen location.

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How long do critical injuries last?

The duration of critical injuries depends on their severity. Grazed injuries last for one round, Hurt injuries require healing, and Wounded injuries inflict 1d6 damage per turn until healed. Serious Wounds require the INT die each round to remain conscious, while Critical injuries require immediate medical attention. Fatal injuries result in instant death.

Can characters die from injuries outside of combat?

Yes, characters can die from injuries outside of combat. For example, falling from a great height, exposure to toxic substances, and other hazards can inflict critical injuries that result in death.


The Cyberpunk Red critical injuries table adds an element of risk and excitement to the game. By understanding the severity chart and the different effects of critical injuries on various body parts, you can play strategically and perhaps even prevent some of them from happening. Remember that Cyberpunk Red is all about teamwork, so never forget to rely on your fellow players and have fun!