guy who made furniture out of human skin

  • April 16, 2023

The Man Who Made Furniture Out of Human Skin

A True Crime Story That Will Give You The Chills

The world is filled with bizarre people who do unthinkable acts. Some of these acts make us wonder if they are sane or not. One such act that will make your skin crawl is making furniture out of human skin. This true crime story is about Ed Gein, who not only made furniture out of human skin but also kept body parts as trophies.

Ed Gein was a known grave robber, who would dig up bodies and use their remains to decorate his house. His crime spree came to an end in 1957, and the police who entered his home were hit with the stench of death. They found skeletal remains of humans all over the house, human skulls that were used as bowls, and lampshades made out of human skin. The most disturbing find was a chair made out of the skin of women, which Ed called his “armchair”.

Ed Gein was born on August 27, 1906, in La Crosse County, Wisconsin. He was raised solely by his mother, as his father was an alcoholic who passed away in 1940. His mother was a deeply religious woman who spoke ill of men and would frequently read bible passages to Ed that would discuss death, murder, and divine retribution. This had a profound effect on Ed, and he would be easily scared by his mother’s tales of hell.

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After Ed’s mother’s demise, he became secluded from society and would only leave the house to do small odd jobs. His strange behavior caught the attention of the townsfolk, and they started suspecting him of being responsible for the recent disappearances of women from the county.

The Furniture

When the police entered Ed’s house, they found it to be littered with human remains. Some were dug from graves, and some were freshly killed. Ed had a fascination with skin, and he would use it to make different household items. He made a human torso that he used as a lampshade, but what shocked the investigators the most was the chair made out of human skin. The chair had a human femur for support, and the backrest was made out of skin that was peeled from the back of a woman. He even had a belt made out of nipples that were removed from his victims.

The Confession

After his arrest, Ed Gein was taken to court, and he confessed to the murders he had committed. He claimed that he had no intention of killing anyone; he just wanted to dig up bodies to make these items. When questioned about the chair made out of human skin, he said that it was his way of being closer to his dead mother, as it reminded him of her hugging him.

Legacy of Ed Gein

Ed Gein’s story has inspired some of the most iconic horror movie characters like Norman Bates from Psycho, Leatherface from Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Buffalo Bill from The Silence of the Lambs.

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His crimes are considered one of the most bizarre and heinous in American history. Ed Gein was put on trial and found guilty on one count of murder, and he was sentenced to life imprisonment. He was later transferred to a mental institution where he died at the age of 77 in 1984.

FAQs About Ed Gein

What did Ed Gein do?

Ed Gein was a grave robber and murderer who would dig up the bodies of women and use their remains to decorate his home. He made items like lampshades, belts, and a chair made out of human skin which he called his “armchair”.

Did Ed Gein kill anyone?

Yes, Ed Gein was responsible for the murders of two women, Mary Hogan and Bernice Worden.

What happened to Ed Gein?

Ed Gein was put on trial and found guilty of one count of murder. He was sentenced to life imprisonment and was later transferred to a mental institution where he died at the age of 77 in 1984.

What movies are inspired by Ed Gein?

Some of the most iconic horror movie characters have been inspired by Ed Gein’s crimes. Norman Bates from Psycho, Leatherface from Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Buffalo Bill from The Silence of the Lambs are some examples.

Why did Ed Gein make furniture out of human skin?

Ed Gein had a fascination with skin and wanted to use it to create different items. He made furniture out of human skin because it reminded him of his dead mother who he was obsessed with, and according to him, it made him feel closer to her.

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Was Ed Gein insane?

Ed Gein was found guilty of one count of murder, and later diagnosed with schizophrenia and borderline personality disorder. However, there is no definitive answer to whether or not he was insane.

The Conclusion

Ed Gein’s story is one that will give you the chills. His crimes were not only heinous but also bizarre, and it’s hard to imagine how someone could do such things. The most disturbing part of his story is the fact that he made furniture out of human skin. It’s a testament to how demented and sinister Ed Gein was. His story has inspired some of the most iconic horror movie characters and has become a part of pop culture.

But let’s not forget that these movies are just a portrayal of the horrific crimes he committed. We mustn’t forget the victims who lost their lives, and their families who were forever scarred by Ed Gein’s actions. In conclusion, Ed Gein’s story is one that should be remembered, but not glorified.